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Digestion, February 2025 style

Hello friends, I am hesitant to write. I don't know exactly what voice wants to come through, and there are so many words we take in each day already, many of which are difficult to digest. They get stuck in my throat, and then my belly. They feel like they suck my digestive juices dry, and knot my intestines. So I am unsure whether I have something to say here that is useful.   The other day, I was in an online room with strangers where the facilitator started by reminding everyone that each of us needed to be there. Roughly quoted, she encouraged us “to act like we need to be in the room, because we do.” It was encouraging. We all need courage.  We need ourselves. My question then is what can be written as a tonic for digestion in this moment, in these times we are propelled into. What can restore the flow of water to dry throats and cramping bellies? Maybe it is not words at all. Maybe it is… … … … At least a few breaths of that. A few moments of my feet on the floor, my bu...

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