Mystery's Cookpot 🍲 A Program Offering

Mystery’s Cookpot
Siblings! Come together and feel your fingers sink down in the clay. As you roll it between your palms, let the clay of your body speak safety and intention to it. Then, together, layer by layer, we will lay our clay coils to build our cooking vessel. This will be our cookpot of transformation for our months together. Let us begin!

We will gather the ingredients for this co-evolution. What is it in  you that wishes to simmer and cook, to gestate as Autumn tumbles into Winter and Winter rises into Spring? What energy of yourself do you wish to transmute in our collective cooking pot?

The Land will be our guide. This Land, our Mother, who holds all of what has come before us and the potential for all that is to come, offers the deepest resource for guidance. We will choose to be part of the Land, quieting the revving of daily living, and thus be able to be in embodied conversation with Her.  With this orientation, we will step into the wonder of ourselves and the Land as a single Mystery. There, our personal intentions for evolution will co-exist with those of the Land. We will experience ourselves as part of Her—our Earth, as part of Spirit. We will experience the continuous dance of energies that it is our Soul’s wish to cook into the delicious fullness of our lives.

On the stove of Spirit, from Autumn’s end through the quiet, darkened slowness of Winter, and into the ascending waters of Spring, this transmutation will move at Nature’s speed. In these 6 months, we will time our process according to the cycle of the Moon who governs the waters, and step further into our relationship with Mystery.

This is a group for anyone who identifies with the  Feminine—womyn and non-binary persons.  The Power of the Feminine will be  present as we engage with the Land through our bodies, in community, as womyn have done for millennia. 

Themes of Each Lunar Month’s Sessions

November—Building our Vessel and Gathering Ingredients

We focus on the creation of our vessel, creation of group safety, and honing our intentions for courageous, personal evolution.

December—Surrendering Ingredients & Covering our Vessel

Through ceremony we will make our offerings to the cookpot, blessing them as we seal them in for Winter’s cooking.

January—Rolling Boil

We prepare ourselves to the dance with the Spirits, to swirl the energy, to burn off what is not needed.


We engage in practices of Deep Listening with ourselves, each other, and the Land.

March—Inhaling the Steam

Steam carries Water from Earth to Sky, Steam Opens. As we prepare to receive, we inhale deeply—as we breath out, we speak poetry, songs, and prayers to the blessings we are receiving.

April—Casting off the Lid, Tasting Our Broth

We will spend an overnight on the Land welcoming in what has come—allowing it to arrive in the darkness and allow the light of the dawn to awaken it.

Each Lunar Month we will meet twice, once near the New Moon and once near the Full Moon. The New Moon is a time of death and rebirth—for setting intentions one wishes to seed. The Full Moon can be a time of experiencing a peak in energy, of seeing more clearly what is manifesting from our intentions. Our New Moon gatherings will be on Wednesday Evenings from 6-9pm in town. Our Full Moonish gatherings will be Saturday afternoons out  on the Land.

Wednesday Evening Sessions will focus on establishing ritual, preparing our unique energies and intentions for the days we wander on the land. as well as integrating current experiences. These activities will include: Centering Practice and Ritual, Sharing in Council, and Creative Play and Reflection.

Saturday Sessions we will dive into Mystery with solo time wanders in one of the extraordinary landscapes of this place. These days will begin and end in together in Council or other activity with solo time in-between. After our individual time on the land, we will return and share our stories with one another, with mirroring of what you encountered offered by Inder/me.

Wednesday Evening Dates 6-9pm (New Moons or as close as possible)

Nov. 3

Dec. 1

Jan. 5

Jan. 30

Mar. 2

Mar. 30

Saturday Afternoon/Evening Dates (Full Moons or as close as possible)

Begins at 12:30pm or later, according to season and activity

Nov. 20

Dec. 18

Jan. 15

Feb. 19

Mar. 19 

April. 16-17 overnight

The group may elect to choose a different date(s) for a particular week if there is consensus (For example: Sunday afternoon instead of Saturday) 


This course is offered on a sliding scale. $550 — $850

Reciprocity is due by October 22nd.


Please contact indercoppola at gmail to register.

This intimate group is limited in size. Please register to reserve your spot.

When you decide to register, I would like to meet with everyone individually via phone or in person prior to our first November 3rd session. This call will be approximately 30 minutes.

Inder Coppola
is an artist, mother, farmhand, wanderer and ceremonialist. 

I came to Moab to immerse myself in natural building in early 2018 when something magical whispered in my ear that this was where I needed to be. Prior to coming, I had taught yoga to children and adults for 10 years as well as co-facilitating yoga teacher trainings. I worked as a viniyoga therapist at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine and in other clinical settings at Vanderbilt University. During that time, I was introduced to wild, earth based practices that resonated deeply within me. These helped me to connect with Mystery, myself, and others through a means that aligned more closely with who I am. My lifelong engagement as an artist, dancer, and wanderer are my main portals to connecting with passion, magic, and holy energy. Combining these practices in ritual, with guidance, and deep relationship with the Earth, I have come to each day with more gratitude, honesty and resilience than I believed possible. I have uncovered and understood my personal story in a greater context and been able to surrender and shift stories that no longer are in my service. I wish to share this work with you: the work of experiencing oneself and one’s story in deep service of the Land and transmuting energies that hold us back from living Soulfully.


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